Uninvited Guests

Uninvited Guests

By Susan Mardele

In her book, Traveling Mercies,
Anne Lamott took a trip to the beach.

Donning a swimsuit for the first time in ages,
she was at first dismayed with what she saw.

To make friends with her body,
she decided that her dimply thighs and butt…

Were the three beloved elderly aunties
she was taking to the beach to have a little fun.

Perhaps I’m not as evolved as Anne.

COVID shelter-in-place
has caused some relatives to move in.

Yes, the darling aunties are here
and I’m getting a little tired of their nattering.

A grouchy uncle has taken up residence
over the waistband of my jeans.

Two querulous granddames
are in the front room…

And some deadbeat second cousins
slipped in the side door.

All of these distant relatives really like
snacking and binge-watching Netflix and Amazon.

They are unwelcome guests, and they have to go,

I know I have to talk to them,
and I will…

After I finish this episode of Downton Abbey…
and this excellent chocolate.