By Susan Mardele
The cold, dark days of winter
tentatively at first, then more assertively,
succumb to the resolute march of the seasons,
Laying to rest yet again the deep human fear
that Persephone would decline to emerge
from the underworld
and fail to bring light, life and fertility
to a winter world.
But arise she has,
bringing with her the sun, warmer days,
and multitudes of shy, growing things.
Persephone whispers her words of hope
into the waiting ears of those
who love what grows from the earth.
“Come out of your winter cocoon,” she says.
“Join me to play in the meadow, dig in the dirt
and pick the early spring flowers.”
“Here, take these seeds and
create beauty around you.”
Some are immune to her invitation,
yet some hear and heed the call
to assist dear Persephone in her quest
to coax beauty and fertility
from winter-dark crumbs of earth.